Saturday, June 20, 2009

recipes for marinating chicken

Delicious grilled chicken is a versatile summertime favorite. It can be simply seasoned lightly and grilled, grilled with a sauce for spicy barbecued chicken, or skillfully seasoned and marinated according to a gourmet recipe.

It isn't hard to grill chicken, but it does take some practice. Follow these tips for grilling chicken, and expand your grilling repertoire.

* When preparing leftovers, reheat pre-cooked meats until they are at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

* In order to keep your chicken moist you can baste it constantly over a slow heat with apple juice.

* It is generally recommended to add BBQ sauce toward the last end of cooking since it is high in sugar and can burn easily.

* Prepare your grill by rubbing it down with oil before you grill so that the meat doesn't stick to it.

* Marinating gives flavors to your meat, it is composed of seasoning, acid and oil.

* Check the temperature of the fire before cooking food to prevent over- or under-cooking.

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