Friday, June 26, 2009

grilled hawaiian chicken recipes

Gas grills are very convenient to use. Most all of them use propane to heat with and they are very simple to start. It's as easy as turning on the propane and pushing the starter button on the grill. This is probably the single biggest convenience of all in cooking with a gas grill.

Grilling season is here. You've got your grill full of gas, you've stocked up on hamburgers, hot dogs, and steaks, and you're ready to go. Chicken also makes a healthy meal, here are some tips should help you on your way to grilling great chicken.

* If flare-ups occur, remove the food for a few moments and sprinkle water lightly over the flames, or smother them by covering the grill.

* Before you can really serve up a tasty poultry dish the right way, you need a few tips for grilling chicken.

* It is also important to refrigerate leftovers from grilling promptly. Don't leave them on the counter top, at room temperature, for very long after you have finished eating.

* Add flavor by scattering dried herb clippings, both sprigs and whole stems, over the coals.

* Marinades boost flavor in grilled food.

* Minimize fat drips into the grill, which causes flare ups.

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