Friday, January 2, 2009

tyson chicken recipes

One of the most versatile foods in the entire world is chicken. Is has been prepared thousands of ways over hundreds of years. One of the favorite ways to eat chicken is BBQ'ed. It is very simple and delicious, but people tend to get it wrong and their chicken comes out tasting all bad.

Buying and Cooking your own chicken at home can be fun and rewarding. Here are some easy and quick tips for you to keep in mind as you get going...

* Check the temperature of the fire before cooking food to prevent over- or under-cooking.

* Before you start grilling, clean the grill off of all impurities and lightly oil the grill. This will help keep your meet from sticking to the grill and picking up impurities.

* If the fire hasn't cooled down adequately, do not be tempted to put your chicken on to cook.

* Before you get ready to grill, marinade your steaks for at least a few hours.

* Marinating gives flavors to your meat, it is composed of seasoning, acid and oil.

* Grilling marinated chicken can really give you a perfect meal.

* Trim off all fat before grilling.

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