Wednesday, January 7, 2009

mexican chicken recipes

The chief problem with chicken is that, like turkey, it has two distinctively different kinds of meat. The white meat breasts and the dark meat thighs and legs need to be cooked differently. To keep the breast meat moist and tender it needs to be cooked over a lower fire than the rest which needs to be cooked more. At the same time you want to get that grilled sear to give the chicken pieces that authentic grilled flavor.

Grilling is an art, burnt burgers, steaks and raw chicken are all some of the common grilling mistakes. Chicken seems to be one of the more difficult meats to grill. Rather than risk sending your guests running for the door or politely eating around the burnt parts, here are a few tips for perfectly cooked barbeque chicken.

* It is always preferred to use low fire in grilling in order to avoid burnt meat.

* If the fire hasn't cooled down adequately, do not be tempted to put your chicken on to cook.

* Start with a clean grill. Removing old ashes assures good air circulation, and cleaning away any cooked- on bits of food results in better flavor and quality.

* It is also important to refrigerate leftovers from grilling promptly. Don't leave them on the counter top, at room temperature, for very long after you have finished eating.

* Never re-use marinades that have come in contact with raw chicken.

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