Saturday, January 10, 2009

chicken marinade recipes

To make sure your chicken is perfectly cooked, not overdone nor undercooked; try the voice alert remote thermometers for ease. These handy gadgets tell you when your chicken is almost done so you can place the sauce on at the right moment. The voice alert also enables you to enjoy time outside without having to hover over your grill.

It isn't hard to grill chicken, but it does take some practice. Follow these tips for grilling chicken, and expand your grilling repertoire.

* Meat should be refrigerated immediately when you get home, in the coldest part of the refrigerator or in the meat compartment.

* Marinating gives flavors to your meat, it is composed of seasoning, acid and oil.

* Grilling marinated chicken is good way to have a delicious meal.

* For maximum safety, thaw frozen chicken in the refrigerator.

* It is also important to refrigerate leftovers from grilling promptly. Don't leave them on the counter top, at room temperature, for very long after you have finished eating.

* It is not advisable that you use wine on grilling marinated chicken.

* Place smaller pieces of chicken around the outer edges, further away from the main heat source, to allow them to cook slower.

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