Tuesday, January 6, 2009

slow cooker chicken recipes

One of the most versatile foods in the entire world is chicken. Is has been prepared thousands of ways over hundreds of years. One of the favorite ways to eat chicken is BBQ'ed. It is very simple and delicious, but people tend to get it wrong and their chicken comes out tasting all bad.

Grilling is an art, burnt burgers, steaks and raw chicken are all some of the common grilling mistakes. Chicken seems to be one of the more difficult meats to grill. Rather than risk sending your guests running for the door or politely eating around the burnt parts, here are a few tips for perfectly cooked barbeque chicken.

* If you're having more than a few guests, ask each one to bring a dish.

* One of the best kept secrets of barbequing chicken is to lower the heat and wait until it's almost completely cooked before adding any sauces.

* Without a proper fire, you can not expect great results.

* Try the gentle sweetness of basil and thyme, which are especially good with chicken.

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