Tuesday, January 13, 2009

recipes for orange chicken

When cooking chicken the first thing people usually do wrong is overcook it. They leave it on the grill for way too long until there is nothing left but dehydrated meat and bone. You want to cook your chicken only to 170 degrees, never more. The idea is to let the chicken rest. Carry over heat will increase the temperature to 180 degrees, the safe point at which you can eat chicken.

Here are some easy and common sense tips about cooking chicken at home.

* Be sure to wash everything after handling raw meat. Don't use the same plate for the cooked meat that you used for the uncooked meat unless you've washed it in between.

* For maximum safety, thaw frozen chicken in the refrigerator.

* Keep your grill rack high off the heat, so flare ups don't reach the meat

* It is also important to refrigerate leftovers from grilling promptly. Don't leave them on the counter top, at room temperature, for very long after you have finished eating.

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