Monday, January 12, 2009

chicken ala king recipes

We all tend to have a few recipes that are our favorites to prepare on the grill, the ones we know are going to turn out nearly perfect every time. But part of the fun of grilling is trying new things and finding new dishes, flavors and cooking techniques to use with the grill or the smoker unit.

Some tips for you:

* Be sure to wash everything after handling raw meat. Don't use the same plate for the cooked meat that you used for the uncooked meat unless you've washed it in between.

* Start with a clean grill. Removing old ashes assures good air circulation, and cleaning away any cooked- on bits of food results in better flavor and quality.

* Do not use a fork to turn the chicken as it cooks. The piercing causes the juices to escape.

* Marinating gives flavors to your meat, it is composed of seasoning, acid and oil.

* Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature to make sure all meats are cooked thoroughly.

* One of the best kept secrets of barbequing chicken is to lower the heat and wait until it's almost completely cooked before adding any sauces.

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