Monday, December 22, 2008

great lemon chicken recipes

To make sure your chicken is perfectly cooked, not overdone nor undercooked; try the voice alert remote thermometers for ease. These handy gadgets tell you when your chicken is almost done so you can place the sauce on at the right moment. The voice alert also enables you to enjoy time outside without having to hover over your grill.

Remember these easy tips with buying and cooking chicken...

* Never place cooked meat on a platter that held raw meat.

* To increase the heat, you can push coals together, add more coals or lower the grilling surface, or fan the fire and tap the ashes from the coals.

* To keep the chicken moist, apply an apple juice while cooking.

* Without a proper fire, you can not expect great results.

* If the heat is too intense, move food from hot spots, which are usually found in the center of the grill, to the cooler areas around the edge.

* Before you can really serve up a tasty poultry dish the right way, you need a few tips for grilling chicken.

* Keep an instant read thermometer near the grill for a quick way of checking when your chicken is done.

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