Monday, May 25, 2009

gravy recipes for chicken

The chicken must be checked for proper doneness when using either cooking method. The best way to check doneness is to use a meat thermometer. If a meat thermometer is not available, a visual test can be performed by piercing the pieces with a fork. If thoroughly cooked, the juices should run clear. Doneness can also be checked by cutting into the thickest part of the chicken and making sure the meat is opaque all the way through.

Here are some cooking and buying tips to get you started:

* If the fire hasn't cooled down adequately, do not be tempted to put your chicken on to cook.

* You'll need a nice set of utensils that are well suited for grilling.

* When meat is cooked, transfer to a clean plate or serving platter.

* If flare-ups occur, remove the food for a few moments and sprinkle water lightly over the flames, or smother them by covering the grill.

* Prepare your grill by rubbing it down with oil before you grill so that the meat doesn't stick to it.

* It is always preferred to use low fire in grilling in order to avoid burnt meat.

* Plan your menu, but keep it simple.

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