Friday, May 22, 2009

chicken stir-fry recipes

We all tend to have a few recipes that are our favorites to prepare on the grill, the ones we know are going to turn out nearly perfect every time. But part of the fun of grilling is trying new things and finding new dishes, flavors and cooking techniques to use with the grill or the smoker unit.

With all of these handy tips, perfectly grilled chicken is right around the corner.

* When grilling, aromatic woods, such as hickory, mesquite or cherry, can be added to the preheated coals to give the chicken a distinctive flavor.

* If you are cooking steaks you want the grill to be super hot so that you sear the steak on both sides to lock in the juices, then keep flipping your steaks a couple of times until they are done.

* If the heat is too intense, move food from hot spots, which are usually found in the center of the grill, to the cooler areas around the edge.

* If you have a hard time in telling whether your chicken is almost cooked, you could purchase a meat thermometer.

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