Thursday, November 27, 2008

emeril chicken recipes

There are many ways to prepare the chicken, but usually the chicken is marinated for at least two hours. The types of marinade vary from Asian styles to Indian styles and other styles as well. I like to cook boned chicken thighs on the grill, rather than legs or wings. There is no problem cooking these pieces, only a personal preference.

With all of these handy tips, perfectly grilled chicken is right around the corner.

* Start with a clean grill. Removing old ashes assures good air circulation, and cleaning away any cooked- on bits of food results in better flavor and quality.

* Be sure all utensils, plates, and cooking surfaces are clean, and your hands are washed well before and after handling raw chicken.

* To keep the chicken moist, apply an apple juice while cooking.

* When preparing leftovers, reheat pre-cooked meats until they are at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

* If you are still cooking with charcoals make sure you should light the coals at least half and hour before so that they have time to get hot enough.

* Marinate your meats.

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