Tuesday, November 25, 2008

canned chicken recipes

If you are grilling other items along with the meat, make sure they do not come in contact with the meat while it is in a raw state. Give the meat and the other items their own separate zones on the grill. Use separate tongs or spatulas to handle these items. When the meat is ready to be removed from the grill, put it on a fresh, or freshly washed, platter and use a fresh set of tongs or spatulas to handle it. Make sure you wash all utensils, cutting boards and your counter tops after they have come in contact with raw meat or poultry.

Here is a list of quick tips:

* If you are using an outdoor grill, keep children away from it and keep water handy.

* Add flavor by scattering dried herb clippings, both sprigs and whole stems, over the coals.

* One of the best kept secrets of barbequing chicken is to lower the heat and wait until it's almost completely cooked before adding any sauces.

* Wait until the chicken is tender and moist before adding any sauces.

* Be sure to wash everything after handling raw meat. Don't use the same plate for the cooked meat that you used for the uncooked meat unless you've washed it in between.

* Keep the meat refrigerated until you are ready to put it on the grill.

* Be sure all utensils, plates, and cooking surfaces are clean, and your hands are washed well before and after handling raw chicken.

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